Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ADOMINI.ZIP | Yes | 301576 | 6/6/1995 | Anno Domini 2.22 allows you to view a calendar for any month between the years 1753 and 2153, national holidays for the UK, USA, Canada and Europe, Christian festivals, moon phases and sunrise and sunset times for any location around the world. There is also an " On This Day" feature which shows 8 historical events and birthdays for the current date. Country specific details can be chosen from a database of 500+ cities around the world. Requires WIN31. (Enzo Ciaffarafa) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
AM_DN20.ZIP | Yes | 208539 | 6/15/1995 | Daily Notes for Windows 2.0 is a note management package for Windows that can serve as a journal/diary. Features include sorting by subject or date, a notebook-like interface, the ability to print all or selected notes, and more. (Andrzej Brzezinski) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
APA_WIN1.ZIP | Yes | 1641808 | 6/8/1995 | Action for Windows 1.3 is an automated process package that allows you to schedule tasks to be triggered at any time. It can be programmed to perform basic file management functions (copy, rename, delete files), play Recorder macros, start an application with command line parameters, and much more. This version allows 14 uses before registration is required. (Peter Redei) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $93) |
ATASK13A.ZIP | Yes | 219537 | 6/19/1995 | Auto Task 1.3a allows you to schedule DOS and Windows applications to run at specific times without any user intervention. Individual tasks can be scheduled to run by interval, day, week, month, or date. Task processing can be monitored using the automated task manager which provides information on current tasks running, or those still waiting to run. (Brian K. Freese) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
AYL26.ZIP | Yes | 151766 | 6/20/1995 | After You Left 2.6 is a WIN31 screen saver that displays animated bugs on your desktop. Requires VBRUN300. (Mark Qian) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
BACKDSK.ZIP | Yes | 746564 | 6/5/1995 | BackDesk 3.10 contains the following excellent desktop utilities: BACKMENU is a pop-up menu that lets you quickly run applications and tools. It can be used as a shell in place of Program Manager and includes a browse feature, auto-run of selected items, and a command line execution facility for 386/486 machines to start Windows apps from a DOS session. BIGDESK gives you a virtual desktop of up to 8x8 times the size of your screen. A small pop-up box shows you the full viewing area, with a frame around the area you are currently viewing, and shaded spots representing windows/icons located around the desktop. You can change the viewing area by simply dragging the frame around the pop-up box. It has Tiling/ Cascading/Scaling options, and Application Snap keeps programs centered. These are very well done utilities. (SP Services) (Reg.Fee: $25 Pnds.) |
BIGNUM.ZIP | Yes | 29220 | 6/20/1995 | BigNum 2.01 is a Pascal unit of seven math functions including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fac, square, and root. It allows the string data type to be used as a numeric type, allowing accuracy in up to 255 digits, more than even co-processors or emulation. There are executables, a day-of-week calculator for any century, and a modified unit showing how this unit can be used in programming. (Stephen A. Theberge) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
BRTHDAY.ZIP | Yes | 362184 | 6/5/1995 | Day of the Week calculates the day of the week on which you were born. (Colin Ashworth) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CAL200YR.ZIP | Yes | 113765 | 6/5/1995 | 200 Year Calendar 1.0 allows you to determine the day of the week for a specific date between 1901 and 2099. (Clay Shannon) (Reg.Fee: $4) |
CATMOVE1.ZIP | Yes | 180793 | 6/8/1995 | CatMoves 1.0 is an impressive WIN31 screen saver that displays three different animated AVI files of cats. Requires MS Video for Windows 1.1e, Windows 3.11, a 386/33 or better, 4MB RAM, and 256-color VGA. (Carnivorous Creations) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
CEOLITE.ZIP | Yes | 234780 | 6/6/1995 | CEO Lite 1.0h is a complete replacement for Windows Program Manager. It provides all the major features of PM while adding password protection, the ability to created nested folders, an improved run dialog, history menu, a customizable run menu, improved icon selection dialogs, and much more. (Paul N. Weissler) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
CHOICE.ZIP | Yes | 24683 | 6/14/1995 | Choice for Windows 2.3 is similar to the DOS utility CHOICE, which waits for a yes or no prompt from the user before proceeding. (Stefan Cordes) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
CLPRN10.ZIP | Yes | 83887 | 6/6/1995 | ClipPrin 1.0 recognizes when you press ALT+PRTSCRN and then allows you to immediately send the image to the printer with a yes or no dialog box. Requires VBRUN300. (Michael Haschka) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
COA.ZIP | Yes | 272951 | 6/16/1995 | Change of Address 1.0 lets you send change-of-address notices to Windows when you change the location of a Windows program on your system. It can be used to update your INI files, GRP files, and registration database automatically, or you can use the built-in INI and GRP file editors to make changes manually. (Neil J. Rubenking) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CYBSIT.ZIP | Yes | 270375 | 6/23/1995 | CYBERsitter 1.1 gives you the capability to block access to common types of graphics files, as well as specific files and programs. It can also alert you when specific files or types of files have been accessed. This can be particularly useful for parents who wish to keep their children from downloading and accessing adult material from on-line services. (Solid Oak Software) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
DIMAGE.ZIP | Yes | 302499 | 5/31/1995 | Disk Image 1.40 will display and print a graph of your disk space utilization, by directory or extension. Requires VBRUN300. (Mike Owens) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
DMEM10.ZIP | Yes | 21020 | 6/7/1995 | DosMem 1.0 is a driver for WIN31 that helps prevent "out of memory" errors. (Thomas Gloor) (Reg.Fee: $50 SFr) |
DUMPEVT.ZIP | Yes | 49158 | 6/6/1995 | Somar DumpEvt 1.1 dumps the Windows NT eventlog in a format suitable for importing into a database. (Frank F. Ramos) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
EDITINI.ZIP | Yes | 19462 | 6/6/1995 | EditINI 1.00 is an editor which can be used to view and change text entries in the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI keyed files. (Gunnar P. Seaburg) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
EXITWI.ZIP | Yes | 7567 | 6/6/1995 | ExitWindows contains three tiny utilities that allow you to exit Windows, restart Windows, and reboot the system. (Philippe Vaugouin) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
FADY.ZIP | Yes | 110686 | 6/22/1995 | Fady's Screen Saver 1.0 is a customizable WIN31 screen saver that allows you to display FLI/FLC animation files, or your favorite BMP, DIB, or RLE graphic files. You can adjust the height and the width of your image or animation, and can play a song if you have a sound board. Other features include password protection, date/time display option, a hotspot utility, and more. A sample FLI animation is included. Requires VBRUN300. (Fady Wehbe) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
FF.ZIP | Yes | 18500 | 6/6/1995 | Franchise Fundamentals 1.0 is a tutorial on franchising which contains information on over 500 franchises. It includes names, addresses, products, fees, royalties, and start-up costs. Topics include franchising defined, how to choose a franchise, a glossary of business terms and more. (Moonlight Software) (Reg.Fee: $13) |
FRENET33.ZIP | Yes | 174801 | 6/2/1995 | Frenetic Screensaver 3.3 is a WIN31 screen saver module that uses a variety of randomly selected patterns to endlessly build up designs. The ever-changing display is quite interesting to watch. (Seraline Pty Ltd) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) |
GMED103.ZIP | Yes | 105937 | 6/6/1995 | The GMUtant Editor 1.03 is a desktop ASCII editor for Windows. Features include the ability to work on files of unlimited size, drag and drop support, fixed/proportional font support, find and replace functions, multi-level "undo", and more. (Clyde W. Grotophorst) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
HLPFIXER.ZIP | Yes | 9104 | 5/31/1995 | Help Fixer 1.0 automatically aligns the windows in Help to fit your screen width and height. It also allows you to change the Jump-labels and PopUp-labels to any of seven different colors. Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300. (M&O Software Systems) (Reg.Fee: $3) |
IBAR.ZIP | Yes | 39792 | 6/23/1995 | InfoBar (SB) 3.0c is a small full-featured replacement for Program Manager. It displays the date and time in a small window on the desktop, and provides instant access to all ProgMan groups and running tasks. Other features include a handy pop-up command line, a user-defined launch list for often-used applications, exit/restart options, and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Skip Bremer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ICONPAD.ZIP | Yes | 235456 | 5/31/1995 | CBW IconPad for Windows 2.10 is an interesting program launcher for Windows. It provides a bar with index tabs representing all the groups in Program Manager. When you select one of the tabs, the icons of all the applications in that group appear and you simply click on one to launch it. It also provides a system resource display, an easy way to switch between running tasks, a quick exit option, and more. (CBW Technology, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
INI_MGR.ZIP | Yes | 129326 | 6/14/1995 | INI Manager (BMS) 1.80 is an editor for Windows INI files. Features include section searching, printing options, and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Mike Owens) (Reg.Fee: $13) |
ININSIDE.ZIP | Yes | 27406 | 5/31/1995 | INInside 1.0 is a multifunction utility that allows you to change the icon title font, restrict features of Program Manager, change the Windows logo, and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Ofer Zelig) (Reg.Fee: $7) |
ISPY232.ZIP | Yes | 471147 | 6/1/1995 | InfoSpy 2.32 shows Heap, Windows, Tasks and Modules in a window and relates them to each other. Other features include Heap Memory Dump, printing and saving options, a Task Terminator, Module Unload, and more. (Dean Software Design) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
JCALW.ZIP | Yes | 241293 | 6/9/1995 | JCAL for Windows 1.7 allows you to view and print Jewish calendars. It can also convert between Gregorian and Jewish dates, determine dates of Jewish holidays, create anniversary lists for births/deaths (Yahrzeit)/etc., and determine the Torah and Haftarah readings for the week. It also allows you to calculate the sunset time for any day and learn about the history and workings of the Jewish Calendar. Requires VBRUN300. (Les Penner) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
JEWSAVE.ZIP | Yes | 250770 | 6/13/1995 | Jewish Screen Saver 1.5 is a WIN31 screen saver that displays animated Jewish clipart. It includes images for Shabbat and Chanuka, as well as fish, birds, and more. (Right to Left Software) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
JL_FT.ZIP | Yes | 371567 | 6/20/1995 | Jurassic Land - Park I 2.5 is a WIN31 screen saver that displays animated brachiosaurs having their dinner complete with digitized sound effects. Requires VBRUN300. (Mark Qian) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
KILLR.ZIP | Yes | 165700 | 6/7/1995 | WinKillr 1.00 will terminate Windows and DOS programs under automatic program control. It can "trigger" on elapsed time, clock time, or time and date. It can also save open files and "Save As" open unnamed files. Requires VBRUN300. (Richard W. Bryant) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
LAUNCHPD.ZIP | Yes | 563146 | 6/8/1995 | LaunchPad (JH) 1.0 can automatically run applications or display a message at a user-specified time. Features include handy toolbar/statusbar, drag and drop support, Windows font support, automatic rescheduling, and more. (James Hall) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
LOCKTT21.ZIP | Yes | 218081 | 6/13/1995 | LOCKtite 2.1 is a security package for Program Manager. It allows you to easily restrict the menu, add or remove program groups from display, and password protect any application. This is especially useful where more than one user has access to a computer. (David Dice) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
LOUPE.ZIP | Yes | 27885 | 6/22/1995 | Loupe 1.3 displays a magnified view of whatever is beneath the cursor. You can copy the contents of the Loupe window to the clipboard as well. When minimized, the mouse coordinates replace the program name on the desktop. (Gregory Braun) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MAXIT.ZIP | Yes | 40044 | 5/31/1995 | MaxIt for Windows 1.1 allows you to have any Windows application start up maximized. You simply add this utility to the command line in the properties box. Requires VBRUN300. (Joseph R. Hanover) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
MCLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 53385 | 6/23/1995 | Mouse Clock for Windows attaches a small clock display to your desktop mouse cursor. It can display just the time, the time with free system resources, or time/resources/seconds. Requires VBRUN300. NEW: a rate clock display. Requires VBRUN300. (Andrew M. Freeman) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
MDESK.ZIP | Yes | 139696 | 6/22/1995 | MDesk 1.10.50 is a drag and drop Program Manager replacement for Windows NT. (Emmanuel Thioux) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
MEMINFO.ZIP | Yes | 767589 | 6/14/1995 | MemInfo PLUS 4.00 oversees and displays the system resources and selected memory data in the title bar of the currently active window. Features include display of swaps to the hard drive, overseeing of the TEMP directory and hard drive, a memory de-fragmenter, and more. Requires WIN31, a 386+, and 4MB RAM. (Ralf Hertsch) (Reg.Fee: $39) |
MESOMOUS.ZIP | Yes | 56213 | 6/7/1995 | MesoMouse 1.0 allows you to configure the middle button of your 3-button mouse to activate up to eight menu items from the application you are currently using. You can custom configure the pop-up menu for 15 different applications, plus a default configuration. (Redline Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
MODM21.ZIP | Yes | 81012 | 6/7/1995 | Mouse Odometer (CW) 2.1 measures your mouse's mileage as it moves around in Windows. It maintains total and daily mileages, and allows measurement in miles or kilometers. (Calvin L. Wong) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
MYOSS.ZIP | Yes | 13973 | 6/5/1995 | Make Your Own Screen Saver is a WIN31 screen saver module that allows you to display BMP graphic files from a selected directory. Requires VBRUN300. (Preferred Computer Services) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
ODOMETER.ZIP | Yes | 428927 | 6/21/1995 | Micro-OdoMeter has an odometer type of display that shows system, GDI and user resources, memory, and disk space available on drives C: and D:. (Fred L. Freel) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
OP_ROB.ZIP | Yes | 654522 | 6/5/1995 | OpalisRobot 1.0 is an automation program for Windows NT. You can use this to trigger execution of tasks (run a program, SQL executions, file mgmt, RAS and NT services actions, send email or net message, etc.) caused by events (file or directory tests, SQL test, date/time, interactive event, etc). Simple or multiple links may be created between objects. (Opalis) (Reg.Fee: $750) |
PASSAG10.ZIP | Yes | 187577 | 6/15/1995 | Time/Passage 1.0 is a combination alarm clock, stopwatch, and count-up alarm for Windows. Requires VBRUN300. (Chet Williams) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
PEEPER.ZIP | Yes | 574768 | 6/6/1995 | Peeper 1.16 allows you to extract version and identification information from Windows EXEs and DLLs. Extracted info can be viewed on-screen or printed out. Requires VBRUN300. (Al Meadows) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $23) |
PHOTOCAL.ZIP | Yes | 645664 | 6/5/1995 | PhotoCalendar 1.2B allows you to schedule your day's work with a personalized desktop calendar using your favorite BMP graphics. There are four different display options that include combinations of a clock, picture, daily schedule, and calendar. Other features include printing options, slide show effects, a personal address book, and more. Requires WIN31, a hard drive, 4MB RAM, and 256-color VGA. (Telnet Computer Consultant) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
PIC_200A.ZIP | Yes | 167692 | 6/14/1995 | PIC 2.00a launches program and data files from the desktop icon area. Other features include program associations, drag and drop support, history list, command line args, resource monitor, automatic icon button creation, and more. This version supports up to 10 groups of 10 commands each. (Ray Connell) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
PLANET.ZIP | Yes | 184749 | 6/20/1995 | The Planets 1.1 is an After Dark screen saver module that takes you on a voyage through a strange new solar system. It features 256-color graphics, sprite animation, and a full MIDI soundtrack. (James V. Signorile) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PROSAVR.ZIP | Yes | 345413 | 6/13/1995 | ProSaver 2.1 is a user-configurable screen saver for Windows. Options include a slideshow mode, subliminal reinforcement with positive messages, random corporate humor generator, a digital clock display, random famous quotes generator, password protection, and more. (Christopher G. Moon) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
QDIALER.ZIP | Yes | 212347 | 6/6/1995 | QDialer 2.04 allows you to set up a list of frequently called phone numbers and quickly dial them over a modem. Requires VBRUN300. (GS Solutions) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
QEXIT.ZIP | Yes | 63923 | 6/6/1995 | QuikExit 2.1 provides an easy way to exit Windows, restart Windows, or even exit Windows and reboot your computer. Requires VBRUN300. (Robert Reinstein) (Reg.Fee: $12) |
QUICKKEY.ZIP | Yes | 10473 | 6/7/1995 | Quick Keys 1.0 allows you to easily insert some of the most common symbols (copyright, fractions, accented letters, etc.) into a document. Unlike Character Map which requires you to first copy the character to the clipboard, you simply click once on the symbol and it is instantly transferred to the text cursor's location. Requires VBRUN300. (Andy Lundell) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
QUIKFLIP.ZIP | Yes | 118665 | 5/31/1995 | QuikFlip! displays all running applications in a horizontal or vertical icon bar on the Windows desktop. To switch tasks, you simply click once on an available icon. (SunShine Software Company) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
RESALRM.ZIP | Yes | 68472 | 6/15/1995 | Free Resources Alarm monitors your WIN31 user and systems resources and rings a bell when either resource pool drops below a user specified threshold. Requires VBRUN300. (Dana Adams) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RESOUR11.ZIP | Yes | 161488 | 6/15/1995 | Free System Resources 1.1 warns Win31 users when system resources fall below a given level. It also tracks current and low percentages for GDI, and user and memory resources. Requires VBRUN300. (Chet Williams) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
RIGS100.ZIP | Yes | 48344 | 6/7/1995 | RI-Group Specialist 1.00 simplifies the process of adding applications to Program Manager. You just select the group to add to, and then double click on the program you want to add. Requires VBRUN300. (MIS Resources Int, Inc.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
RTPM.ZIP | Yes | 33147 | 6/8/1995 | Real-Time Performance Monitor 2.00 provides a real-time graphical display of any one of a number of user-selectable Windows performance parameters. (Gary Williamson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RW_NT10.ZIP | Yes | 9881 | 6/6/1995 | Reset Windows NT 1.00 allows you to log out, shut down, or shut down and restart Windows NT. Resetting may be done unconditionally or after verification through an "are you sure?" dialog box. (Fred Losi) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SAVERBTN.ZIP | Yes | 4944 | 6/8/1995 | SaverButton 1.0 displays a desktop icon that allows you to activate or deactivate the WIN31 screen saver with a simple double-click. (Huang Ping & James Zheng) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SAVERV.ZIP | Yes | 91342 | 6/20/1995 | Savervisor 3.5 is a combination screen saver/wallpaper manager for WIN31. It provides single-click launching, saver and wallpaper scheduling, and much more. Requires VBRUN300. (Mark Qian) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
SCRPLY17.ZIP | Yes | 195867 | 6/22/1995 | Screenplay 1.7 is a spectacular screen saver. It includes several excellent preset displays, but also provides a variety of controls to allow you to design your own. You can optionally use it as animated wallpaper (ie: displays in the background behind your windows and icons), or display screen designs in tiled format. A hotkey allows you to capture the current animation to the Clipboard, and password protection is available. This is one of the most interesting Windows screen savers yet. (Kamyan Software) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
SCULPTOR.ZIP | Yes | 15758 | 5/31/1995 | Screen Sculptor is a screen saver for WIN31 that disposes of your desktop in a variety of interesting ways, including melting, peeling it off in strips, and much more. (David Griffiths) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
SNAP228.ZIP | Yes | 209974 | 6/14/1995 | SnapShot/32 2.28 allows you to capture any part of Windows NT desktop and whatever is displayed on it. This version will not print or copy to clipboard snapshots larger than 80x80 pixels. (Greg Kochaniak) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
SNAPPER.ZIP | Yes | 90678 | 6/1/1995 | Snapper 1.0 automatically arranges open windows on your desktop to make the best use of available space. This is a vast improvement over the "tile" feature of Program Manager, because it automatically adjusts window size and position on existing layout proportions or uses parameters you specify. This is an excellent way to help tidy up your desktop. (Totem Systems Limited) (Reg.Fee: $30 Pnds.) |
SPRBAR20.ZIP | Yes | 182116 | 6/13/1995 | SuperBar 2.0n lets you easily create customized toolbars that can be added to any Windows application. Each toolbar can contain several buttons, each assigned to an application menu command or a recorded macro. Toolbars can be Icon Only, Text Only, or Icon and Text, and may be placed in a variety of positions. This is a powerful productivity enhancer that places often-used commands a single mouse click away. An integrated icon manager is included that allows creating, editing, and deleting of custom icons. (William J. Wood) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $24) |
SSCORP.ZIP | Yes | 76380 | 6/13/1995 | Corporate Logo Screen Saver 2.4e lets you use any BMP graphic file as a WIN31 or Windows NT screen saver. The selected bitmap will then bounce around the screen at a user-defined speed. There are also share options for LANs. (Benjamin White) (Reg.Fee: $8-$100) |
SSE252.ZIP | Yes | 66714 | 6/20/1995 | Screen Saver Enhancer 2.52 adds "sleep now" and "sleep never" corners to WIN31 screen savers. (Allen Jackson) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
SSSWITCH.ZIP | Yes | 27402 | 6/7/1995 | ScrnSaveSwitch/Plus 2.50 lets you enable or disable your WIN31 screen saver with a single mouse-click to a small button on your desktop. It also lets you set the screen saver delay in one second (rather than one minute) increments. (Aaron J. Margosis) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
START.ZIP | Yes | 227674 | 6/7/1995 | Start contains VB code for a utility that starts a fast calendar input form without needing a 3rd party control. (David F Eisenberg) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
STBIBLE.ZIP | Yes | 440999 | 6/5/1995 | ScreenTheme Bible Verses is a WIN31 screen saver module that displays random verses from the Bible. (TechSys Consulting Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
SUBLIM.ZIP | Yes | 80220 | 6/2/1995 | Sublim flashes what are supposed to be subliminal messages on the screen. The problem is that your conscious mind, which is not supposed to be wise to what your subconscious mind is seeing, will be very aware of the messages flashing on the screen. We have very strong doubts that this thing will work (but for some reason, I suddenly have an urge for popcorn...). (George Yee) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
SUNHOT.ZIP | Yes | 3738 | 6/13/1995 | Sunlight Hot Corners 1.0 allows you to instantly invoke the WIN31 screen saver by putting the cursor in the lower left corner of the screen or disable the saver in the upper right corner. This version will unload after five uses. Requires VBRUN300. (Sunlight Software) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
SUNSCR.ZIP | Yes | 506448 | 6/5/1995 | Sunlight Screen Saver 1.2 lets you create customized screen savers for WIN31. You can include multiple screen transitions, date and time sensitive phrases, simple animation, BMP and JPG graphic support, and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Sunlight Software) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
SUPERMON.ZIP | Yes | 206425 | 6/7/1995 | SuperMonitor 1.0 tracks instantaneous, average, and maximum user, GDI, memory, RAM and swap usages. The results may be logged to disk. This version allows three minutes of monitoring before shutting down. (Gary S. Tessler) (Reg.Fee: $39) |
SUPRSTUF.ZIP | Yes | 280753 | 6/6/1995 | Super Stuff 3.22 lets you customize the look and feel of Windows Program Manager. It provides five different view/access formats including Icon, Vertical List, Multi-Column, Text, and Toolbar. You can also create multiple Super Group windows for each Program Manager group. This allows you to configure specific groups with a different view and save the settings for future sessions. Nested groups can easily be created. Also included on this disk is Super Task Man (an excellent graphic replacement for Task Manager) and a drag and drop wallpaper changer. These programs provide a very powerful and unique way to improve productivity and customize your desktop. Requires WIN31. (Joseph A. Herrera) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
SYSSCAN.ZIP | Yes | 414147 | 6/7/1995 | SystemScanTools Demo 1.01 is a demo of a utility that helps free up disk space and clean up your system. It can locate duplicate files, list potentially unused DLL's, and more. This version does not save or print. (Kirk V. Thomas) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
SYSSPY.ZIP | Yes | 95476 | 6/7/1995 | SysSpy 1.03 shows module usage in Windows, and can easily load and unload tasks and modules. (N. T. Almond) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TOONSV11.ZIP | Yes | 823388 | 6/16/1995 | Toon Saver 1.1 is a WIN31 screen saver that displays fantastic original cartoon art in a slideshow fashion. Features include password protection, the ability to turn any of the images into wallpaper, and more. Seven colorful images are provided. (Kamyan Software) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
TSKBAR.ZIP | Yes | 248940 | 6/14/1995 | TaskBar 1.09b is a unique replacement for the standard Windows Task Manager. It builds a toolbar of all the current Windows applications running. This bar can then be used to switch to any application by simply clicking on its icon. Requires VBRUN300. (Jon Grieve) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
ULTRAED.ZIP | Yes | 231132 | 6/7/1995 | UltraEdit 2.10 (formerly Medit) is a text/HEX editor for Windows. It allows up to 15 files to be open at one time. Other features include drag and drop support from File Manager, insert/overstrike editing modes, find/replace options, word wrap, full font support, bookmarks, and much more. (Ian D. Mead) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
VATCALC.ZIP | Yes | 305887 | 6/22/1995 | VAT Calculator 2.5 allows you to calculate the cost of goods including and excluding VAT/Sales Tax. Requires VBRUN300. (Alex Nuttall) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
VBSYS253.ZIP | Yes | 123427 | 6/14/1995 | VBSys Windows System Monitor 2.53 monitors drive space, system resources, memory, and tasks. It can also display and set date and time, give system information, compact memory, run programs or files easily and much, more, all in one small display. Requires VBRUN300. (Michael Krane) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
VISUFILE.ZIP | Yes | 85024 | 6/15/1995 | Visual File Manager 1.31 recreates the basic functionality of the Macintosh desktop in WIN31. Features include the familiar trashcan, folders, colored labels for files, a finder clone, and much more. This provides a convenient marriage of Program Manger and File Manager functions for those longing for a Mac-like interface. (Scott M. Messier) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
VNOTES.ZIP | Yes | 245310 | 6/14/1995 | Vulcan Notes 1.10 lets you generate up to 100 virtual "sticky notes" on your Windows desktop. Additional features include an alarm for each note with repeat settings, find/replace facilities, and more. (Vulcan Technology) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
VSAM3.ZIP | Yes | 371963 | 6/12/1995 | VSAM Allocation 3.0 is a VSAM allocation estimator for IBM mainframes. Requires VBRUN300. (Keith Riddell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
W4S31L.ZIP | Yes | 113300 | 6/14/1995 | Whiskers 3.1L is a powerful utility that lets you program all 270+ standard Windows actions to your mouse buttons. This avoids the nuisance of either having to reach for the keyboard or move the mouse pointer to the "Ok" box to click the left button. Other features include the use combinations of the Shift/Ctrl keys and mouse buttons to create up to eight different macros, the ability to do a double- click in one click, and simulation of a middle button on two-button mice. This is an excellent time-saving utility. (Numbers & Co.) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
WATCHW.ZIP | Yes | 605262 | 6/21/1995 | WatchWin is a disk space tracking utility for Windows. It scans all sub-directories and finds out how much space the next directory down and its sub-directories take up. This version has a maximum capacity of 256 directories. (Douglas R. Nebeker) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
WCLOCK21.ZIP | Yes | 133614 | 6/6/1995 | World Clock (MM) 2.1 is a desktop clock display for Windows that shows the current time in up to seven different locations around the world. (Mike Mestemaker) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WDLLFND1.ZIP | Yes | 64703 | 6/6/1995 | WDLLFnd 1.32 helps you locate common routines used by Windows programs. It will find all Windows EXE, DLL, DRV and VBX programs on your computer and will display what routines a program uses, and also which programs use a routine. Discrepancies found during the search such as duplicate program names, DLLs found but not referenced, DLLs referenced but not found are displayed. A discrepancy list can be printed. Requires VBRUN300. (William J. Dowling) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
WG120.ZIP | Yes | 47746 | 6/22/1995 | WinGuide 1.2c is a NortonGuide engine for Windows that allows you to use your NG-files within Windows without opening a DOS-task and running the original NortonGuide or one of its clones. (Michael Herger) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINBAG.ZIP | Yes | 304482 | 6/2/1995 | WinBag 1.2 combines several useful Windows tools into a single application, including a calendar, CPU speedometer, disk pie graphs, resource graphs, and a dice game. (Jim Tolliver) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $19) |
WINGAGE.ZIP | Yes | 95536 | 6/1/1995 | WinGage 2.1 is a Windows resource monitor that shows the date, time and available resources. It also includes an alarm, an hourly chime and an exit/restart button. Requires VBRUN300. (Joseph R. Hanover) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
WINHOG.ZIP | Yes | 104244 | 6/6/1995 | WinHog 4.01 provides a colorful graphic pie chart depicting the relative size of the directories on a disk. Requires VBRUN300. (Michael D. Price) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
WINMAN.ZIP | Yes | 224218 | 6/1/1995 | KeaSoft Window Manager 1.5 lets you easily start, end, and switch between applications in Windows. It features a "SpeedBar" that adds icon buttons to the title bar of all windows. You can create icon buttons for up to fifty of your favorite applications. (KeaSoft) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
WINSAVER.ZIP | Yes | 125887 | 6/23/1995 | WinSaver 1.0 automatically saves key Windows initialization files and DOS startup files. A batch file is provided to restore these files if you experience a negative configuration change. This version will do 10 backups. (Peter Newell) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
WOMENU38.ZIP | Yes | 516078 | 6/7/1995 | WOmenu 3.8d is a simple yet powerful menu system for both network and stand-alone environments running Windows. Features include low resource utilization, user-specific menus, prevents multiple runs of the same program, and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Skip Bremer) (Reg.Fee: $45) |
WSHCHG.ZIP | Yes | 118405 | 6/1/1995 | Windows Shell Changer allows you to quickly switch between different Windows shells. It can be configured to restart Windows as soon as you switch to another shell and optionally restart your whole system. (Adrian Vogler) (Reg.Fee: $0) |